
Monday, July 2, 2012

Girls who swim upstream

He says...

Last night Mrs Rocker taught me something about myself that I didn't know, something I had always tried to figure but couldn't. I was lying in the bath enjoying a Jack Daniels, Mrs Rocker was drinking the same with me and we were chatting as we often do to escape the mindless plasticity of Disney Channel (our kids are home for a mid-term break for a week). We were talking about the girl-friends in my life and those in my life previously, the ones I adore and gravitate towards.

I've had a tendency over the years to not be the least bit interested in women that are beautiful and desirable in a mainstream kind of way. I hardly ever met a conventionally beautiful that I thought was sexy. Actually if I'm honest, I NEVER met a conventionally beautiful woman I thought was sexy. I only said “hardly ever” because a conventionally beautiful woman might read this and be offended. But seriously, if you're of model good looks and reading this, you need to stop thinking that just because you're like that you're sexy. Anyway back to the point.... Mrs Rocker for years and years has tried to figure out what gets girls onto my A-List, I couldn't explain it and neither could she. She would just roll her eyes when she figured I was being irresistibly drawn to a less obvious candidate in a room for conversation and/or flirtation, “Here we go again, another one of Mr Rocker's wacky choices” or “Uh oh, Mr Rocker's found another mad-cap stray to adopt”. They've plotted all over the place in terms of their beauty and intelligence (note- those who read this blog, you are both beautiful and intelligent), so it's neither one of those attributes which is the deal- clincher. So what is it?

Mrs Rocker hit the nail on the head last night when she informed me exactly what it is. They are all women who swim upstream, question or refuse to accept conventional gender stereotypes and live their lives uncompromisingly true to what they believe. That's what gets my hormones racing. Simple as that. I'd never actually figured it out. That a few of them were perhaps a bit wacky, adrift or endured knocks is perhaps a consequence of society dealing harshly with those who live out loud, unconventionally. I've never felt sorry for anybody, I've just adored them for what they are. So here's a shout out to all those girls who question the ego-dominated world we live in and have raged against the Estrogen Mafia who perpetuate female conformance by looking down on, and judging those who don't.