
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

You've just driven off my list

She says..

Mr Rocker and I each have a list - people we find attractive and whom we could picture ourselves having a sexual encounter with were our circumstances different.  In other words, a really good perv. We can generally choose potential list members for each other and it's a source of much amusement to us both. "He'd make it onto your list" or "what number is she on your list" are common refrains.

Unfortunately, and don't ask me why, there seem to be fewer candidates for my list.  I believe it's because men don't feel that they need to take care of themselves to the extent that women do and as a result, because good grooming is an absolute minimum for me, fewer guys meet my standard.  Luckily for Mr Rocker though there seems to be far more eye candy.  One particular man is way up there, impeccably groomed, well-spoken, intelligent, yummy to look at and adores his wife.  The way a man treats the most important woman in his life is a major point scorer for me.  No matter how good-looking a man is, if he treats his partner disrespectfully, it's an absolute turnoff.

Anyway, back to my Drool no 1.  I was doing the school run this morning and passed him in the traffic.  There he was, driving the most beautiful car.  Now, don't forget that cars are one of my great passions.  I know it's not something that women generally know or care about, but it rates right up there in terms of desirable possessions as far as I'm concerned.  My head is often turned by the sight of a stunning car and having a yummy driver is just a bonus.  I thought I'd hit the jackpot this morning, Drool no 1 and a beautiful car, how lucky could I get?  He was also doing the school run, isn't he a nice guy, dropping his kids at school. We passed in the intersection and I went on my merry way to the office.  A few minutes later however (insert the sound of screeching brakes here), I thought "now hold on a moment here, something was wrong with that picture".

I know what car his wife drives.  It's an old car, seen lots of miles, is a little beaten up.  I don't have a problem with old cars, hell, we have a couple of those ourselves, but, he drives the new car while his wife, who does 90% of the school runs, fetches and carries kids to loads of activities drives a bulky old pickup.  That makes no sense to me.  He drives to his office, parks his car and there it stands, shiny and beautiful, waiting for his return.  His wife meanwhile, has probably spent a fair chunk of her day in her old pickup fetching children, doing the grocery run, fetching his drycleaning and generally getting a raw deal.  Why should this woman settle for second best when clearly she is in greater need of comfort and safety than he is?  Statistically she has a greater chance of being in an accident as she spends more time driving but the 6 airbags in the shiny new model are standing in the parking lot where they will offer her or their children no protection.  What kind of logic is that?  There is no logic, he just wants to be the good looking guy in the stunning car.  Makes me wonder what he's trying to compensate for?

Another couple we know astound me as much.  She is NOT ALLOWED to drive his luxury German sedan, not because she has a bad driving record, but because it's too expensive to fix if she has an accident.  What utter bullshit.  Women statistically have fewer accidents than men.  The bottom line, for me, is that her husband does not find her worthy of driving his expensive toy.  Bet he also doesn't believe that she is worthy of being his equal.  If a family can afford the expensive car, they can afford to fix it , regardless of who breaks it.

So, here's the crunch.  Drool no 1, you drove yourself off my list.  I no longer consider you to be worthy of turning my head because you are disrespectful of your wife, you have denied her the privilege of luxury that would make a huge difference to her quality of life on a daily basis because you're selfish and selfish does not a good lover make.

PS.  I drive the newest and safest car in our household because I spend more time driving than Mr Rocker and I get to enjoy the sheer indulgence of my baby every time I slip behind the wheel.  Guess who is also not a selfish lover?


  1. It's funny, my wife and I both enjoy cars, and both have very definite opinions on good/bad cars. We will often be driving on the motorway and challenge each other to pick a car in a certain category (price, style etc.) and end up discussing for ages the pros and cons of the cars involved. I do tend to have an opinion about those who drive a luxury German car (not a Merc or Audi... who is left?) and that anyone who does drive one believes they own the road. In the same way that Porsches are for cocks, BMWs appear to be for self important folk..... Not all, but most!

  2. Mr Rocker says... For the record- Drool no. 1 drives a BMW. Mrs Rocker drives and Audi! (Aside- Mr Rocker drives the old mom's car that he insanely thought was a good idea to buy her when he failed to fully appreciate that the amount of sex between couples is directly linked to how sexy your queen feels, influenced in part by the car she drives. As Jeremy Clarkson aptly put it- People carriers tell everyone that you've had your kids and you're waiting to die.) I figured moms that are simply waiting to die don't feel like knocking boots, so I better do the sensible thing here... That's besides the safety thing of course.

  3. LOL! Great post! I was drooling over him too until you made the wife-drives-car comparison... touche! Very true!
    Hmmm... maybe you can just remember him fondly, you know, just for kicks. ;)

  4. Maybe his wife doesn't want to look pretentious ?

    Mine has always had more use for the car than I have - previously to get to/from and around her work, and now ferrying kids around (yes, Mr Top Gear, we own a people-mover now).

    We gave our spare (previous car) hatchback to my brother-in-law, albeit with lots of prompting from the Mother-In-Law. I stick to walking and Public Transport. The walking is better for my health than driving to and from work and trying to park in the city.
