
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Why 38?

I am fortunate enough to have been married to the most awesome man for 15 years.  He has not only been my husband, he has also been my teacher.  You see, he believes in none of the stereotypes that society uses to define women.  

Most women have more than one role in life, we are daughters, granddaughters, friends, mothers, wives, lovers, workers - and very often all these roles have expectations of who we should be and by what standards our lives should be conducted.  The problem with having so many different roles is that very often they conflict - being a mother 24/7 doesn't bode well for the vixen that probably hides in all of us.  My man has worked tirelessly to make me understand that there is no glory in allowing "the woman" in me to die.  I may well be all of those other people (for probably most of my waking moments), but first and foremost, I am a woman.

Years ago a friend told me that "38 is the best age to be.  You've reached the age where you don't give a shit what other people think and you're comfortable enough with yourself to say I want this and this is how I want it"

As I approach the magical number (rather rapidly) I realise how right she was.  I am certainly not the person I was at 30, never mind 25.  I embrace being a woman and all that that entails. I work hard but I also play hard. I adore my children but I realise that they do not define me. I love passionately and I expect to be loved as much as I give.  And I love sex.  Why is that so difficult for women to acknowledge?  I'll tell you why... because it would mean that we're not "nice girls" or "ladylike".  And therein lies the crux of the matter. Society is not comfortable with us declaring that we would rather be having sex than baking cookies. 


  1. You better update "things you love" on the left to include "I love sex". Shout it from the rooftops and be proud!

  2. Consider this to be my shout then, I can think of nothing I would rather be doing!
