The Rockers have an empty house, a sex drive that's recovering from a recent trauma, a home theatre with a massively big screen, comfortable rug, and unfortunately, with few exceptions- BAD porn.
Please guys, we need a league of women mobilised on a righteous crusade for more balanced porn. We all know that the biggest market out there is the male consumer, and that brings with it all the stereotypical male fantasies hard-coded into virtually every movie out there, mostly centred around domination (at best) and selfish male enjoyment, or borderline humiliation (at worst). And we all know (okay well at least I do) there is a fine line between taking control and dominating. It's a fine line guys tread every day of their lives- when to take control, how hard to push and suggest, when to duck to avoid the incoming slap for having over-stepped the mark or face the ice hanging off the ceiling because you didn't read the signs and push hard enough.
It's not as if women don't like porn, they like it just as much as men, (amazing considering the crappy porn they are served up) and especially when it's enjoyed with their Significant Others. So then why is virtually all the porn out there so appallingly bad and scripted as if there would be not a woman on the other side of a screen trying to get her head around the logic or likely reality of every scene ending in a facial cum-shot? Consumerism is a bugger we're all stuck with, unfortunately,. But really guys, how about some BALANCE and maybe even a bit of REALITY and perhaps even acknowledgement that sex is a TWO WAY thing and women, on average, are more likely to actually enjoy considerably different scenarios to the ones played out in your average porn flick. Now I'm not suggesting that every porn movie be scripted around a dinner out with champagne and flowers, followed by tender candlelit love-making in an elegantly-decorated room. I think I know enough about women to know that they prefer their porn a little more upbeat than that, All I'm saying is how about depicting women genuinely enjoying themselves because they are in control of their own destiny and the centre of respectful, adoring attention, be that in a one-on-one situation, or something a little more... well, crowded. That simple formula, and more balanced ones like it, to my way of thinking is not a big ask. So why the hell hasn't somebody twigged that porn sales could practically double if you get it right? So I call to arms progressively-minded women who are sick of crappy egotistical porn, to take back what should be theirs too- A porn studio with balanced scripts, produced by women, not necessarily for women, but at the very least not against women.
So who's in?
Or put me out of me (and Mrs Rocker's) misery and tell me where all the good porn is. PLEEEAAASE!
The Rockers Need You.